He wants Grandpa to build a bridge across the river so that the path can be extended. We discussed about 14 reasons why we can't do that.
Laurie has laryngitis, and it doesn't sound good.
This morning I cleaned up the computer room and finished the GenFest invitations. Dick has been outside all morning locating 20 places around the property to hide the geocaches for GenFest. He's copying down the coordinates, etc. so the competition will be good to go when the time comes.
This afternoon we mailed the invitations, and went caching. We found the Al Quacka Aviation Administration cache, near the Vasa Trail. This one required superior math skills, so we had Tom figure it out!
Then we found the Yuba Creek Natural Area in Acme Township. There's a cache there too, but we're saving it for later. We drove through Traverse City, enjoyed the blue bay, and stopped at the $ store to buy some goodies for the caches at GenFest.
A gorgeous day - low 70s and lots of sunshine.