While waiting for our flight to be called, I phoned Capital One. I listened to the choices and finally was connected to a person. I told my story and was forwarded to another person, I went through my story again and was again told I was being forwarded. Total silence. No music, no dial tone, silence. I hung up and tried again. Same results, pick a number, operator to second operator to third operator to silence.
I went up to the counter to make sure we'd have a chair on Maui. The gal changed our seats to row 3 and told us we would be called for pre-boarding. I tried Nancy's phone, at each step I explained what had happened, same result.
Our plane was called. The flight was great. When we landed there was a gal waiting with a chair. She had three passengers to take care of but we were first. She was also the baggage agent and she had our checked bags. They had made the flight yesterday. So we got our bags and she took us to the Thrifty shuttle. I checked with their desk and someone had extended our car's wait time to 48 hours so all was good.
A warm, windy welcome to Maui.
While Nancy waited with our luggage, I checked in at the Thrifty office, picked up the car, loaded the bags and we were on our way across the island to our home for the week, a condo development called Kihei Holiday.
We found our parking spot and took our bags into unit 6. We explored the place and found it came up a little short of its description. It was advertised as having 1 1/2 baths but we only found 1. We were told we would have a view of the Pacific from our patio but what we had was a view of the folks on the balconies on the other side of the parking lot who had a view of the sea. But hey, we aren't going to be here that long and it does have wi-fi so we don't care.
After getting squared away, we take a run about town and look for a place to have Linner. We find a sports bar named Diamonds and at 2:20 in the afternoon we eat while watching the Lions play the Bears on Monday Night Football. The time change is going to take a bit of adjustment. Back at #6, Nancy fires up the wi-fi and helps me log in. I discover that my power cord has died but I can use hers to recharge overnight.