Frankfort Harbor on this scenic day!
We had a terrific day - the weather was just spot-on perfect, we found everything we were looking for, and we ate at 2 of our favorite places! It was idyllic. A good time was had by both!
We found a total of eighteen caches - hard to believe - I never would have guessed that we went to that many. Here are some of the logs:
06/20/2010 You found Catch a cache at Arcadia Lake
Our first cache find was Father's Day, 2003. We have tried to make an excursion each Father's Day since. Because we are both gimped up this year, we have been pretty much limited to P&G's. This one fit our needs perfectly! We loved the park, especially the sculpture of the kids fishing.
When we pulled in there was a guy parked nearly on top of the cache in his pick up. He had brought his boys fishing. He was taking a stogie break while they were down on the platform. All we had to do was wait him out by enjoying the scenery. Thanks for the fun.
06/20/2010 You found ODE TO JOYfield
We had concluded our Father's Day excursion, the afternoon was drawing to a close and we were getting hungry and a little tired but then the Nuvi dinged and we had to pull off to check it out. "Look, RHG has put out another one for us!" We found the cache, signed the log and left a NMC pin. Now lets think about Moomer's for dinner. TFTC
06/20/2010 You found Bear Lake Needs More Caches!
We've had a fun day and it's time to make the turn and head for home. Just a few more. Thanks to Red Hat Grandma, we've found more caches that met our needs than we expected. We replaced the baggie on this one. TFTC
06/20/2010 You found Spirit Series # 1
We've done the other two Spirit Series caches and we enjoy them. We are out on another Father's Day Geocaching expedition. Father's Day is special for us because we found our first cache on Father's Day seven years ago. The last few years has featured brunch at Dinghys and then caching either north in Leelanau or south toward Manistee. This year we had a couple of disappointments, first, Dinghys doesn't do brunch any more and foot problems, a broken toe and gout, has limited us to park and grabs. We weren't sure how many of those we'd find. Not to worry, we found plenty and they were fun! This is just what the Dr. ordered. Thanks for the history and thanks for the hunt.
06/20/2010 You found This is a Road?
Well, come on now! This IS definitely a road! It's even in our Nuvi. Not the challenge of the other two we did today but we'll take it. Thanks for the hunt.
06/20/2010 You found 35mm Signature Cache by Nozzleman671 Visit Log
Another Father's Day Geocaching expedition. This was the most strenuous one of the day but we knew what we were getting into, we've found one up there before. The problem came at the top when we had another 90 feet to go. What will all those muggles say when that old guy climbs over the railing? Well, who cares? It's Father's Day and we can do as we darn well please! Over the top and on to the cache! I did get some strange looks when I came back though. Thanks for the adventure!
06/20/2010 You found This is a road? 3
Yip! Yip! Yahoo! Another fun one of the "Is this a road?" series. Fold in the mirrors, we're coming through! Had to hunt a bit for the container and then find a place to turn around, (Maybe we should do that first.) Thanks for the adventure!
06/20/2010 You found 35mm View of Boo Hoo
Not sure what the "Boo Hoo" is. Could it be the dune across the lake? This was a real challenge because of the muggles camped out on the beach. The camera came in handy as a decoy. Thanks for the fun!
06/20/2010 You found Blaine Twp. Needs More Caches!
Another fun stop on today's caching excursion. We took a picture of the near by grave site. We will upload it when we can. Thanks for the fun!
(This has to be the most unique epitaph we have ever run across in real life! Somebody has a terrific sense of humor!)
06/20/2010 You found This is a road? 2
We love these kinds of cache placements! This was another of our Father's Day Geocaching expeditions. Not to worry, we found plenty and they were fun! None were more fun than the ones we found in this series. We love two tracks! No need for the 4x4 today but our darn Nuvi was acting up. She sent us all over the place, wanted us to go through closed gates a number of times. Luckily the 60csx came through and led us to the cache. We signed the log and traded a hand sanitizer and a lanyard for the TB and the snakes head. Thanks for the adventure!!
06/20/2010 You found Elberta Needs More Caches!
After another fabulous meal at Dinghy's, our favorite area restaurant, we cruised the beach and the town in Frankfort. Then we came over here for the view and the cache. We beat you to it, Ruth, changed out the log book and waited out the muggles until we could replace it. Thanks for the fun!
06/20/2010 You posted a note for Another Crystal Clear View
Buzz mumble grump grump! We pulled a DNF on this one last year and hoped to erase it today. Unfortunately, a pair of muggles in love were parked nearly on top of the cache. We tried to wait them out but they won. Oh well, remember what Scarlet said.
06/20/2010 You found Crystal Gazer
Lovely spot, we weren't aware of it. Unlike the previous park we visited we had this spot to ourselves. As previously noted, the log book was wet. We replaced it and the baggie. TFTC
06/20/2010 You found Crystal Facets
Boy was this little park busy today! Beach lovers, boaters and picnickers galore. Near the cache is the neatest fungi!
We will try to upload a picture. We found the cache in good shape, traded sigs and left a hand sanitizer. Thanks for the fun!
06/20/2010 You found Just Around the Corner
We love spirit quest caches and the hide on this one is unique and special. Took nothing, left a compass rose tag. Thanks for the hunt!!