Talked to Dylan this morning - yesterday he went to see the movie Nanny McPhee. I told him that I had tried to see it, but that it was sold out. So he began telling me the story, but then he had to jump out of the car to get to school.
I went to the quilt shop and got batting and backing for our quilt. It remains to be seen whether or not I can actually put it all together. The quilt top is finished. Looks OK - not perfecto, but OK.
Then I went to the mall and finally saw the Nanny movie. I enjoyed it, mostly. It would have been more fun with Dylan. Emma Thompson was great, and a couple of the children were outstanding. I liked the boys better than the girls. Loved the donkey, hated the food fight. I wondered if the bizarre colors and costumes were aimed at amusing small children....or what. Of course it was a fairy tale, after all. See link above.