We stopped on the way at the historic Seminole Inn in Indiantown for lunch. The Inn is a lovely place, and even more lovely all decorated for Christmas. There's a great mural on the second floor telling the story of the Seminoles and their removal to Oklahoma. Those were sad times.
I was especially impressed with the mantel and firescreen decorations - somebody there has a flair for decorating! There was also a fantastically beautiful, large manger scene - one of the nicest that I've seen.
Then we drove off to Port Mayaca to look at the lake. I was hoping to see some alligators - they were there in abundance the last time we went there. This time, the lake is higher and the alligators were not to be seen - but they were probably still there.
We drove around to another park on the lake, Lake Okeechobee Lookout. The weather was cool and windy - it was a fun day to stroll on the great jetty, part of which is covered, and which has nice benches and great birds to observe down below in the wetlands.
We invited the whole crew over for dinner at our cottage - spaghetti and meatballs - and a great time was had by all.