Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Seminole Inn

One of my favorite things to do near Palm City is lunch at the Seminole Inn in Indiantown. It's an historic old inn - yummy food, lots of ambiance, and a museum-like second floor. Laurie took us all out there today, I think to humor her Mother! Thanks, Laur.

These Seminole garments are fascinating - they're all hand-stitched, just like quilt making. The colors are so vibrant and the fabrics are beautiful.

This is the Seminole Inn parrot, whose name is Cracker. They say he can pronounce several words, but all I could get him to say today was Hello.

We had all just seen the movie "The King's Speech". It's about the time when Prince Albert's brother King Edward VIII abdicated the throne of England to marry a divorced woman, Wallis Warfield Simpson, thereby making Prince Albert King George VI. Just by total coincidence of which we were unaware, we discovered a royal connection to the Seminole Inn! The Inn is located on Warfield Road, which was named after an Uncle of Wallis Warfield Simpson, the Duchess of Windsor. It seemed a cosmic coincidence to us. Who Knew?

Indiantown, originally established by the Seminole Indians as a trading post, was later settled in the 1890's by white settlers. With the arrival of Baltimore banker S. Davies Warfield in the 1920's Indiantown began its short and unsuccessful rise. Warfield planned to make Indiantown the southern headquarters of his seaboard airline railroad (now known as seaboard coastline), then stretching from central Florida to West Palm Beach. He planned a model city. He laid out streets, built a school, constructed houses, and a railroad station. He also built the Seminole Inn which is the only remaining feature of the 1920's boom. Warfield was the uncle of the Duchess of Windsor who visited the inn several times. Indiantown is a proud little town with the Inn as the only remnant of Warfield's dream. It is a must see for the reconstruction of the pre-depression era. You are allowed to wander around and look. Submitted by: Mike Woodfin