At home I vacuumed and dusted and cleaned up the kitchen - housework is easier at the moment.
Laurie called on her cell phone - it's back in service. The land-line is not working still. They came through the whole hurricane with flying colors. At midnight, during the eye of the hurricane, the neighbors were all out helping to keep the drains clear of debris so that the street wouldn't flood...and it didn't. Laurie and Dylan slept on the floor of the closet with the door closed to shut out the noise (from about 3 a.m. to 6:30 a.m.) The wind howls so loudly and it's so strong...she said the glass of the windows was bowing inward. The shutters protect from impact, but they're not air tight. Dylan said he was not scared. He thinks that a hurricane is probably not worse than one of our blizzards. Hmmm. I'm just thankful that they have power - millions of homes don't - they are really lucky.