The Day After
We hade planned to go to Manistee this morning to see Kim, Mike, Adam, Jacob, Eric, Tammy, Bill and Jan. But when Jana got up she had a headache and wasn’t feeling at all well. So we called and cancelled, and Jana went back to bed. Dick and I were kind of at loose ends, but we managed to had a very relaxing morning reading our new books and I enjoyed also playing with MY NEW LAPTOP. We still have no internet connection, but I had fun looking at all of the features, including the World Book.
In the afternoon Jana and I watched Disc 1 of Return of the King - what a marvelous production. After that, Dick and I went to see Mother. We took her some good turkey leftovers. Dick did a little shoveling, and changed the furnace filter. I set up the new jar opener, and it looks nice on the counter top. I really think that after Mother has a chance to get used to it she’ll find it’s very helpful.
We drove around town a bit - it’s a pretty day - sunnier than yesterday.
We all watched a littlle football - Brian Griese was not doing that well.
Jana was still feeling ill. We all went to bed early.
I’m reading Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz. It’s a really fascinating book. I’m enjoying it immensely. It’s the kind of book that you don’t want to finish.