Saturday, April 19, 2008

It Has Sprung!

Spring has sprung,
The grass is riz,
I wonder where the birdie is?
The bird is on the wing,
But that's absurd,
We know the wing is on the bird.

Daffodils are blooming, the snow blower is put away, the grass is fertilized - what more evidence do we need! Oh, I know, we have open windows and fresh air is in the house. This is great - this is the season that proves to us how lucky we are!

Today I went out to lunch with Neighbor Mary, and then to the movies to see Smart People. We both agreed that the characters needed a good grooming session at the local salon, and that the movie was achingly slow-paced. It was interesting, just not lively and fun - although there were some amusing moments. Dennis Quaid is not very appealing in my humble opinion. For me the message of the movie is that we are all stuck with whatever human relationships we have accumulated, and that some are better than others and that even in a gloomy sort of family, love can prevail but not until the credits. Some might be left with the impression that Smart People are all gloomy! Not so, I assure you. Although Tom always says that he doesn't do "happy".

Speaking of Tom, this movie is set in Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). Once at MIT Tom got a letter from Kim, and the return address was a Central Michigan University (CMU) address label. One of Tom's friends glanced at the label and said, "Carnegie Mellon?" As Tom told me later, at MIT the students only relate to "real schools". I think that Kim did CMU proud by graduating and going on to medical school, moving to California and leading the very good life! I'm sure that she considers Central a "real school".

This has been a good week, as we've watched the weather warm up and improve daily. I walked Monday and Friday at the mall. Tuesday and Thursday we did gym and breakfast, and on Wednesday I had my annual eye exam with eye drops at 8:30 a.m. and didn't feel normal until around 3 p.m.

Dick finished the cache series on Wednesday. it was published on Thursday, and Dennis and Josh (rathergohiking) started searching for it right away on Thursday. They are having trouble with the breakwater section and Dick is thinking that he may have to go make that stage more user friendly.

Dylan has been sick, but he says that he is feeling much, much better. He caught some kind of a bug - had a fever of 102 - and slept all morning Friday. When he's not feeling well, our solar system stops revolving!