Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A Blustery Day

It was a beautiful day, but it was a little on the chilly side, and the wind was quite blustery! It was a great day to be out and about and geocaching in Florida with no fear of heat stroke!

Laurie was our chauffeur again. This time we wanted to explore northern Hutchinson Island. There are several parks along the beach there. Most of them have wooden walkways, stairs and platforms to get from the parking lot to the beach - and most of them have caches to search for. We found the caches to be in various states of maintenance. Some had been muggled, were missing, or had totally wet log books, and some were creative and fun.

At Pasley Park Dick took the above video - the surf was rough and loud - the wind was really roaring.
Altogether, we found six caches, with several Did Not Finds. It wasn't our best day - but for me it was totally enjoyable!

At Walton Rocks, we found a total of four caches. It's the only park on the Island that allows dogs - 3 dogs per person!! At the very end of the long park drive, there were several old rickety picnic tables - and on one of them there were 10 pennies lined up - for who know what reason!Quite the oddity! There was a penny on one of the other tables, and that was it.

We had lunch at Mangrove Matties - loaded with atmosphere and local color. There were great views of the Indian River and the many boats that went by while we sat by the window. One of them was a freighter which looked a lot like a Great Lakes freighter except it was shorter.

After lunch we went to Jetty Park in Ft. Pierce to walk it off! There was a very stiff breeze off the water - we're lucky we didn't get blown off the jetty! The first thing we noticed was that many of the riprap rocks had memorial plaques on them - memorializing people who had enjoyed fishing from the jetty during their lifetimes. It seemed odd, but somehow fitting. One was for a man called the Snook Master, and there was a bench dedicated to Big Al the Fisherman.Here we are trying to look warm and not windblown!
Another truly memorable day in Florida!!