Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Happy Birthday Jana!

Frederick, Maryland to Washington D.C.

It takes only a little over an hour to drive from Frederick to Jana's house. The last 9 minutes was the most fun, because we had Jana on the phone telling us where to turn, and when we turned onto her block she was standing on the front porch waving.

We had a birthday lunch at Ben's Chili Bowl on U Street. I've wanted to go there ever since Jana moved to this neighborhood. It's a chili dog place where Bill Cosby used to take his wife when they were dating, and it was yummy.

Jana took us on a scenic drive of D.C. - we saw embassies, and really really upscale neighborhoods. We saw where the Cheney's live. Whoop Whoop. The Finnish embassy is kind of an architectural mystery - a kind of greenish, metal framework type of a thing. Yuck. Turkey is remodeling its embassy - it's a beautiful old building - hope they don't change it too much. The U.K. has a huge embassy - I think it takes up a full city block.

We went by Jana's old neighborhoods - the Adams-Morgan area where she lived on Kalorama, and the National Cathedral area where she lived on Mass. Ave. It was very much fun.

Jana had 3 tickets from CQ for the Nationals/Giants game at RFK Stadium. The parking was great, the seats were great, and the weather was perfect. The game was really beautiful under the lights - and they do a lot of fun graphics on the jumbo-tron and on other areas around the edges. It's loud, and bright, and colorful, and fun. After each inning they do something special, like shooting T-shirts up into the crowd.

Because it was D.C., and because we were only 12 rows behind the box seats, we saw some celebrities - first was James Carville, soon joined by Tim Russert. Then, around the 6th inning, Jesse Jackson walked in. Eventually, he went over and sat with the other two.

Barry Bonds plays for the Giants, and he got cheered (or booed) no matter what he did. When he hit a homerun, the crowd really got excited and cheered loudly. When he stepped up to the plate, he was roundly booed. When he struck out, he heard loud cheers again.

We are about ready to have cake and ice cream for Jana's b-day. We'll have the rest of it tomorrow for Dick's b-day!

This was a most happy day.

JANA said...
This is the most excellent birthday I have had in 9 years -- which is the last time my parents were here for my birthday!

I never would have predicted I would become a baseball fan, but I love having the Nats in DC. Vinnie Castilla is my favorite -- he hit a double, but I was getting my Mom a sausage. That's love.

10:33 PM