We had a list of errands to do so we headed to go vote first. In East Bay Township the Democratic Slate is practically non-existent. Oh well - at least we could vote for the millage renewal and increase for the Commission on Aging.
Mailed some bills, drove around downtown, left some shirts at Progress Laundry, and then we went out to lunch at the Green House Cafe on Front Street. What a great place! Shannon (Mother's home helper) had recommended it to us. She was right - everything was splendid.
Parked on Front Street we saw cars from Arizona, Arkansas, Massachusetts, Montana, and Pennsylvania in addition to all the cars from the Big Ten States.
Mother called on our cell phone to say that her Social Security check had arrived in the mail, so we went to pick her up and take her to the bank. These things cannot be delayed, we have learned!
Then we went out to the Vasa Trail to search for a cache. Dick found it with no trouble. It was one where you have to figure out the coordinates by triangulation, and he did it all by himself.
Tomorrow he is leaving to go camping on North Manitou Island, where there are 5 caches. He may stay for 2 nights to make sure that he can get them all. He has his backpack and bedroll all packed up, and we're hoping he won't have to carry it very far. He'll leave in the morning.