We picked up a chocolate cake and some ham at Meijer, and headed off for the Tri-County Sportsman's League in Saline. When we arrived, the cousins were setting up extra tables because more people showed up than were expected. Last year there were 110 folks who came, and the final count this year was 147!
Cousin Jack, whose family was in charge, was just ecstatic, and so proud to have such a turn out. There was so much food that for the first time in my memory, the desserts were displaced by dinner items, and they came up with a new location for desserts. The tables were groaning!
Dick and I sat at one of the newly set up tables, and as it turned out, we sat alone for the whole deal. I kept expecting late arrivals to show up and sit with us, but it didn't happen. Joyce was scandalized that we were sitting alone, but to be honest, it was kind of nice to have a little solitude in the midst of the multitude!
I enjoyed talking to Jack, Joyce, Wayne, Dawn and others of course. It's always fun to see all of the new babies - there were many this year. One of the little boy babies is seven months old, and his daddy proudly stated that the U of M has won every football game for his son's whole life!