Here, it was misty and a little foggy along the river, but nothing like downstate.
All I really did today was watch TV, go to the grocery store, and read books and newspapers.
Dick got home around 4:30 by way of Grayling. He stopped to do some caching along the way.
We talked, ate leftover pizza, and I forgot all about Mother's trash. It took me a while, but I convinced Mother that there was no reason on God's green earth why it couldn't wait until tomorrow. She's not an easy sell.
In Florida, the kids lost power on Friday night around 10:30. Today it came back on for a couple of hours and then went off again. We had no trouble communicating by phone (hard-line). They can't see any structural damage - they did go outside for a while - I was glad to hear that in their neighborhood the power lines are all underground.
Dylan made a fortress with pillows at the end of his parents' bed. He slept in there with Sheepie, (his favorite stuffed animal), a lantern, and some books. He had a fiction section and a non-fiction section. He's been hearing that there may be another hurricane in a few days (Ivan) so he says they'll need more Oreos and more M&Ms. This kid knows how to stock up for a hurricane.
Laurie has no idea how the school building fared. Dylan's class is in a portable classroom - so I'm hoping that it wasn't TOO portable.
Anyway, the worst is over down in Palm City, Dick is home, Mother knows we'll do the trash tomorrow, and all's right with the world.