Saturday, January 19, 2008

Sharkie Crew and Basswood Too

An excellent day. We set out with Laurie and Dylan and we had a full day scheduled. First, we found a location for the new puzzle cache that Dylan and Kyle have been working on. It's called Dylan and Kyle Go Shopping. It hasn't been approved yet, but Laurie will soon be submitting it. The cache container has been set out with all new contents, first finder prize, and log book. The cache is by Sharkie Crew (Laurie, Chip and Dylan) and HYATTSEEK, their friends the Hyatts. We are all anxiously awaiting its approval, and we're making bets on when it will be found first.

Lunch at Duffy's in downtown Stuart - very much fun. Stuart was crowded on this holiday Saturday. There's no school on Monday because of Martin Luther King Day, so it's a 3 day weekend. Ran into a couple of friends of Dylan's - it was fun meeting them - Alexandra and her mom.

The Environmental Center Open House was so interesting - many, many things to see. My favorite things were watching the feeding of the loggerhead turtle, learning about the comedy fish and its excellent camouflage, and watching the sea horses move around the tank - their manner of moving is fascinating! There was a photography contest associated with the open house, and Dylan had an entry. He didn't win a ribbon, but his beautiful picture of rocks by the ocean was displayed, and it was fun to see it there.

We had another cache to place, and we chose Halpatiokee Park. It's a brand new cache with all new cache items in a newly painted ammo box. It has been carefully placed along a nice asphalt trail. Dylan decided to name it Picnic With Grandma. I wanted it to be named A Walk With Grandma, but that came in second. We did walk, but we didn't have a picnic, although it's in an area with picnic pavilions. The cache description hasn't been written yet, and so it hasn't been submitted, but it's good to go! It's by Sharkie Crew and Basswood Bend.

Back at Laurie's, we had chocolate sundaes and just kind of chilled out for the rest of the evening. It was a sweet day.

Pioneer Trail

We spotted this osprey nest on the way to the cache.

This little cemetery is in memory of seven individuals who were the first settlers in Port St. Lucie. The original grave markers are all gone. This is a nice, quiet and peaceful cemetery.

Dick's log:
1/18/2008 You found Spruce Bluff Pioneer Trail (Traditional Cache)
Mrs Sharkie Crew brought us up here today to share the history. We enjoyed the area and the cache was a bonus. Took nothing but left a mosquito head net and a Dora TB. Thanks for the fun.

1/18/2008 You couldn't find Spruce Bluff Historic Trails (Traditional Cache)
After our find at the other end of the park, we hiked back to this cache. We enjoyed the shell mound with Ospreys at their nest and a Gopher Tortoise at his home. We spent quite a bit of time searching but weren't good enough to log a find on this one today but thanks for bringing us back here anyway.