Van Buren Public Schools retired teachers meet at the Bomber on the first Wed. of every month for breakfast. Today was the day! Last year we were able to attend two of the breakfasts, but because of a different schedule, this will be it for this year. Too bad for us!
It's supposed to start at 10 a.m., but we went early to meet Dan and check on the progress of his treatment and just chat over coffee for a while. It was great to see him - we haven't been with him since his whole ordeal started. He's just the same as ever, mentally - funny, sincere, and very nice.
Then the arrivals began, and we wound up having to use an overflow table - I think there were approx. 20 people altogether. I sat with Diann, Tom F., Dick, Dan, and Linda, and Kay.
Back at the Ranch, it was laundry day - Whee!