Are we Geocachers enough? If one were to simply look at our list of finds this weekend (and the condition of our Jeep this morning) one would probably think so, but looks are often deceiving.
Friday evening we shared a GeoPizza with Dino Duo and Capt. Bud and his First Mate. They graciously accepted our request to be their “Tag Along Teammates” for the weekend. Without their aid, energy, and enthusiasm we would have undoubtedly experienced another of our normal caching days, 10 - 12 finds on Saturday, maybe a half dozen more today.
They kept pushing until we reached our limit at 9:30 last night and had us back in the saddle at 7:00 this morning. Had it not been for a couple of slip ups, most notably at 266 Steps, we probably would have found them all.
(Team BassDinoBud, or Team DinoBudBend, or Team Capt.DuoWood - we couldn't decide.)
Although we wound up thoroughly exhausted in both mind and body, we had a fantastic time! It’s a blast to bump into our known caching friends and a pleasure to meet and make new ones. It’s a good thing this only happens once a year because it might take us that long to recover.
(Most of the caches were along the AuSable River - river caching = wet feet, so Tim and Dick came prepared!)
We appreciate more than we have the words to express, the efforts of the organizers, meaning Chad and his family, Jason and his family, Chris and the others who volunteered to help as well as all of the cash donors and sponsors. Although this was our first Road Rally experience, we believe it to be a major contribution to quality Geocaching in Michigan.
As Mrs. Bend often exclaimed as we were bouncing and jouncing, slippin' and a slidin', down beautiful northern Michigan two tracks toward an ammo can placed at a beautiful spot in the woods, “Now this is what they were talkin’ about!!”
That, and the folks who share our joy, are what keep us involved in this activity.
(Marty and Susie)