The Estate Sale was a huge success - only a couple of small tables and some very small items didn't sell. They are totally cleaning out the house today, and it will be empty now. (see link above) We'll get the results of the Estate Sale in approximately 2 weeks.
Our realtor has had an offer on the house which we think is too low, and today we plan to make a counter offer.
We're hoping to have some more interest generated by the Estate Sale. All of the flyers concerning the house were picked up.
Today (June 27) would have been Mom and Dad's 74th anniversary. Yesterday we attended the Concord Place Picnic. Mom used her walker and walked to the elevator and into the community room by herself. It was a very nice picnic - they actually cooked hot dogs and hamburgers out on the grill, so it was authentic. To be honest, these events are always slightly depressing to me - I have the feeling that everybody there, including the residents, would rather be somewhere else. Mother stayed downstairs for about an hour and then was ready to go back to her room. And so were we.
Mother seems to be glad to have the Estate Sale over with - she was interested to hear what I observed during the sale. She can't believe that people actually purchased some of those things - her bed, all of the dressers, the china cabinet, the dining room set, even the kitchen table - everything is gone. She doesn't seem the least bit emotional about it all - just interested. Now she wants to have the house sold. And so do we.