Thursday, October 07, 2004

Tear Off the Siding

The workers have arrived to re-insulate the house and build a porch roof. Today all they really did was to remove the siding, so the house looks like a tar paper shack. It may rain tomorrow, but the weather looks good for the next several days, so they should be able to make steady progress. The crew chief is a talker, very friendly. One of the crew is interested in buying Dad's old Pontiac.

During the summer, we left our John Deere at Classic Motor Sports to have the transmission repaired. We haven't heard anything from them, so Dick called - and they don't know where it is and they can't find a work order. This could get interesting! It's a good thing that we have the second tractor.
Finally got around to cutting back the flowers in the perennial garden. There's a lot more work to do out there. Some of the weeds are very healthy looking! And I need to rake out the leaves, too.

We drove into town for a look-see and to fill up the tank after yesterday's trip. There was another cruise ship in the bay - it's getting to be a regular occurrence. We saw it starting its way north on its way out. Driving home on River Road, it's apparent that fall is here. This weekend would be a good weekend for the dinner train to do a color tour.

Fall Colors

Dick has been having a scratchy throat lately, and tomorrow morning he's going to see Dr. Nelson (ENT) to check it out.

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