Saturday, February 05, 2005

Scott's Harbor Grill

We did some scouting around the city parks again to do some more figuring on Dick's new caches - these things don't just happen, you takes a lot of planning, experimenting, figuring, and computer time. He's hoping to have it all finished by March 1. Or maybe even April 1...whichever. Along the way we had lunch at Scott's -they just happen to have the world's best grilled raspberry chicken and cashew salad. That's what I order every time. Dick had quesadilla, and that looked spectacular too.

At Mother's, we turned on the heat upstairs for Jim's visit, took out the trash, installed an armrest thingy on the john, watered the plants, did the dishes, and did various other small things for her in preparation for Jim's visit tomorrow. She is definitely accepting more help these days, which I interpret as that she's feeling more helpless herself.

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