Saturday, September 17, 2005

Univ. of Mich. vs. EMU

OK, It was a lop-sided match-up. OK, the entire western world knew that Michigan would win. OK, the politically correct people all felt sorry for Eastern because they are probably really nice kids who would have a hard time dealing with such a loss. In spite of all that, it was a MOST enjoyable day for me - despite the drizzle. called it the Battle for Washtenaw County!

I just loved being there, seeing our stadium friends, watching the game, seeing Michigan doing so well and looking so good, and talking to Holden, who reminds us very much of Dylan.

The half time show was so terrrific. It's the best half-time show since the Blues Brothers and the School of Animal Husbandry thing. It was based on Monty Python and Spamalot and featured the Lumberjack and the Attack Rabbit, The Bridge of Death, and the Bring Out Your Dead golf cart. It involved characters Bucky the Blitzed (Wisc), Sparty the Green (MSU) and Brutus the Nut (OSU). I'm sure that the band intends to repeat this show for all of their road trips. All of those games will be away games this year. What a fantastic idea!

Sorry Eastern - I loved the game, and waved my pompom proudly after every score. ... all 55 points. I loved the whole day. Sue me.

Back at the Canton Condo, we cheered as MSU dominated Notre Dame - thank goodness somebody can beat them even if we can't!

Out to dinner at Mexican Fiesta - home to watch more football.

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