Sunday, April 03, 2005

Aloha !

There was a big luau today at Concord Place for all the residents and their families and friends. The community room was decorated with all kind of Hawaiian paraphernalia - they really went to a lot of work getting ready.

Mother agreed to participate - we took her on the elevator in a wheelchair, so moving her was relatively easy. She seemed happy to be there - made an effort to socialize with others at the table, and ate everything in sight. And here I thought that she didn't like a party! (jk)

Mother was anxious about when she was going to be served some food. She asked the Director's husband what was on the menu, he told her, and she said, "How do we get it?"

The food was really quite good - she kept remarking "It's not always like this."
The Director's brother was there to entertain with his singing and guitar. He was actually very good. But Dick and I almost fell off our chairs when he started singing "Detroit City" because the chorus is "I want to go home, I want to go home, Lord how I want to go home." !! A good choice for Assisted Living? Maybe not. But it certainly entertained Dick and me, and Mother couldn't hear it anyway, so no harm done.

We were glad that she agreed to go, and she really tried to enter into the spirit of the thing. She recognized most of the other residents, and remembers their names. Except that she keeps calling Mrs. Lather "Mrs. Luther". No big deal. Mrs Lather probably can't hear anyway!

She stayed at the party for 2 hours, and then we wheeled her back to her room for a rest. Then she was worried about maybe not getting any supper because of all the food at the party! For a woman who is very slight she really does like to est!

It was an experience. I think they have parties like this 3 or 4 times a year, so now we have something to look forward to!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you posting again, I was getting worried :)

Good to hear your Mum is doing well and seems to have settled in.

