This morning, we were planning to go to Frankfort to re-try one of the caches along the beach, when he realized that he did not have his walking stick, and that he had left it at the Burned Cabin cache yesterday.
So we set off in the other direction from Frankfort to retrieve the stick. It was right there where he had left it less than 24 hours before. While we were over there, we went out to lunch again at Coyle's in Houghton Lake. They have a mean buffet!

On the way home, on M-42, we found a most unique place - at the site of the former Sherman one-room school. It's hard to describe it, but we poked around there for an hour. There were new things to discover at every turn. We think it will be an excellent place for us to put a cache.
Tom Barker came over with the check for the sealing of our common driveway. Shortly thereafter, we had a brown-out and Dick threw the main switch on the circuit breaker thingy to protect our motors. Barker said it was a local thing, not a system thing, and a crew came out and fixed it.
Tomorrow I go in for another blood test. My mammogram was normal.
Talked to Belleville - Bill has thrown out his back and is not very comfortable. We'll see him on Friday.