After getting some kind of a clinical dispensation, the tech was allowed to photograph the traction. Nobody had ever asked to be photographed before. I simply cannot imagine why (!). There's a harness around the midsection pulled very tight to keep the upper spine immobile. The hip harness is what pulls your spine toward the end of the table. The little machine at the end of the table is what provides the pull. It cycles between 40 pounds of pull and 100 pounds of pull. It cycles for 20 minutes.

The cord draped over my chest is a call button for the tech in case I should need her for anything. The little box on the wall is a kill switch in case the machine goes perquackey and starts pulling me like Westley in The Princess Bride.

The cord beyond my feet is what pulls on the harness. You actually can feel your spine stretching - it's a good feeling - a good stretch. After the traction, the clinician comes in and has you do exercises. The tricky part is not to hurt yourself. Today I felt hurt when she was finished. I went to visit Mother, and I shouldn't have done that. I should have just come right home. When I got here, I started in on pain meds again, and even some valium. I kind of resent have been marginally "re-injured", but maybe that's just the way it goes. I'm going to ask about it next time. I don't go back until Monday.