Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Dude, Where's My Car?

Door Yesterday when we visited Mother she told us that the front porch door wasn't closing properly. Dick checked it out and he thinks the wind took it and blew it too far open. The automatic closer thingy was ripped off. Today before he went to the dentist, Dick took in the proper tools and fixed it so now it closes properly. Whew!

We go to Traverse Dental Associates, and our two favorite dentists are Dr. Pat Kelly and Dr. Kevin Kelly. Dick's dentist is Dr. Pat, and mine is the other one. Today Dick went in for repair of a cracked filling so his mouth was numb for most of the day.
But being an intrepid geo-cacher, he did go out exploring in the woods, numb mouth and all.

I went shopping for some last minute gifts for Mom's birthday tomorrow. And then I wrapped the gifts.
No news from Florida today.Palm Tree
Meanwhile, in Washington DC Jana's car was stolen right from in back of her house. It was a red Ford Escort nicknamed Francie. Unfortunately, her driver's license was in the car, and an extra set of keys to the house was in the glove box.
Blendi (who is now married to Veronica but still a Friendi) came and took her to the DMV, changed the locks on the house, and took her to go rent a car. It has to feel like a total invasion of your space to have that happen. We had a car broken into once, but never stolen. Laurie has had a car stolen, and she says that Jana should hope that they don't find it. Getting the car back to running condition was a major hassle because the car had been stripped and mutilated.

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