Sunday, September 26, 2004

Hurricane Jeanne

Dick left Belleville around 8:30 a.m. and got home at 6 p.m. He did quite a few geocaches on the way home! He says he did about 18 in all. He's a dedicated geo-cacher for sure.

Here at home, the Ponitac died in the driveway, so I couldn't go to the store and I couldn't go to town (obviously). I put whatever I could find here in the crock pot, because I wasn't sure what time Dick would get home. It turned out to be chicken stew, and it was good.

Laurie emailed that the hurricane blew over them all night and they lost power and phones - and their cell phones didn't work either. But by some miracle, their power came back on at 10 a.m. I'm so glad! They say that there are millions of homes with no power in Florida, so they are the most fortunate people in the State. Their paper says that there will be no school until further notice. Their phones are still not working.

Mother fell today and hit her forehead on the carpeting in the dining room. She says she's fine and has no bruises or anything. I called her throughout the day to keep checking on her. I couldn't get the car started to go see her. If I had thought it was serious I would have called a cab or Enterprise. Where there's a will, there's a way! But I think she's OK.

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