Thursday, December 30, 2004

Bye Bye Boxes

Dick and I went recycling today. We had so many boxes that even flattened, they took up the whole back of the Explorer. We had other recycling also, so off we went, even though there was an unseasonal downpour going on. After dumping all of that, we went to Staples to get an ink thingy for our printer. Then we were off to Glen's to shop for New Year's Eve and New Year's Day (go blue). It was a totally miserable day, weatherwise.

Dick had scraped the snow off the asphalt apron to our access road, so we didn't have to deal with slush, etc.

After putting away the groceries, and trying to put the ink thingy in the printer, we discovered that we bought the wrong kind. So it was back out in the rain and back to Staples to get the right thing. Sometimes life is very complex.

Jana has renewed her interest in Everquest and she has played quite a bit today - she's so glad to have the vacation time.

Tom, Todd, and Steve are going to the Rose Bowl game together again this year. It will be the same as last year, only without Jana and Tim.

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