Saturday, December 25, 2004

Christmas Day

Christmas Day 2004

Santa came! Santa came! AND HE BROUGHT ME A LAPTOP! Oh yes, and he brought Dick a reciprocating saw, but he brought me a LAPTOP!

The most ironic thing is that last Wednesday, our cable modem went out, and although Charter has tried a couple of things to get it up and going again, nothing has worked. And so here I am with a new LAPTOP and no internet connection. The strongest definition of irony available...

So I’m getting acquainted with other features of my LAPTOP including World Book and Apple works. When I came into the living room, the laptop was sitting on the table, and Beaches was playing on the screen. Yes, oh yes, my new laptop has a DVD player too.

I had planned to have the turkey in the oven by 8 a.m., and I had to tear myself away from my NEW LAPTOP to go make the dressing and stuff the bird. The turkey went into the oven at 8:01.

Jim called around 9:30, and they were all finished with Christmas. I spoke with Austen, and she was totally thrilled with her new American Girl doll Nelly, and all of the accoutrements. She was on cloud 9.

Jana got up around 10 a.m., and Dick went to get Mother around 11.

We had a lot of fun opening presents as usual. Mother got “too much” as usual. I was especially happy with my new wallet and the high tech pedometer! But we all got many wonderful things - lots of great DVD sets and CDs. (Which I can play on my new laptop.)

Dick got a great CQ pullover windbreaker that is fantastic looking on him. He got quite a lot of clothes, included a Hammock Creek sweatshirt which he put right on. Everything seems to fit him just right.

Mother got books, and fruit, and powder and pens, and a Great Grandma sweatshirt. Jana gave her an electric jar opener, and I think it’s going to be a good thing for Mother to have.

Jana got lots of DVDs and CDs and books, and a swimsuit, and a bag, and CDs, and a picture to hang - but she seemed to like her Roomba the best!

I had planned for the dinner to be ready at 2 p.m., but the turkey bird was not quite done, so we stuck it back in the oven and had dinner around 2:45.

Laurie, Jana and I all got Nomination bracelets - we had so much fun with those. Mine has NJKS and hearts, and yellow roses, a cup of coffee, a snowman, and a stegosaurus (Steigersaurus). Jana’s has JLS@CQ, hearts, and kitties. Laurie’s has LJSG, a little boy, an airplane, hearts, and double hearts. They are so much fun to put together, and pretty to wear.

Everybody in the family got U of M Rose Bowl 2005 T-shirts. Dylan’s says Water Boy, Hydration Coordinator. Fun.
After dinner we talked to Florida - everybody there was having a great time- Dylan got 3 great new playstation games, and the RoboSapiens, and many board games. He was a happy boy. Tom was busy being a good Uncle, and Laurie and Chip seemed very mellow. I was a little disappointed because I guess the interactive globe thing was not an immediate success, but I’m sure its day will come.

Took Mom home around 3:45, and got her all settled in. Dick and I took a drive around town - 2 lady walkers were out and about, and that was about it.

The rest of the day passed in kind of a blur - we all went to bed early.



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