Thursday, December 16, 2004

Fly Away to Palm City

The first sign of a good travel day was that while we couldn't sit together on American Eagle, at least we each sat on the side with one seat, so we didn't have to sit with anyone. When the Eagle landed at O'Hare, we only had 45 minutes to make it to the next flight to Palm Beach. The second sign of a good travel day was that we made it with time to spare, which is no small feat! I had been worried about walking through the airport, but I needn't have worried. I think I stopped for 2 short rests in all. The best thing of all was that we sat in row 31, three seats in a row, and no one came to sit in the other seat, so we had the whole row to ourselves.
We got to Laurie's house around 2 p.m. and Laurie went to pick up Dylan. We were his big birthday surprise! And he was really surprised to see us. He had a golf lesson at 3:30, so we all went over to the Hammock Creek Golf Club and watched him swing at the ball for an hour. At the end of the lesson, they had a little contest, and Dylan won $3.00!
We went out to dinner at Flannigan's. Good burger - very friendly service - Laurie ran into Dana, who remembered us from the flight down here last spring. Dana was our flight attendant. It was fun talking to her and her daughter, Morgan. Dylan and I worked on his homework - it was work left over from staying home sick earlier in the week.
Driving back home at night was so beautiful! The Hammock Creek neighborhood is very highly decorated for Christmas! I don't think I've ever seen so many beautiful houses so nicely decorated
December 16th was my Dad's birthday, and tomorrow is Dylan's birthday. I remember before he was born, Laurie said that if he was born on Dad's birthday, she would name him Dylan Thurman Gillespie in honor of Tharel Thurman Kanitz. I think Dylan lucked out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Most of the time Dylan was not overly interested in golf. They were hitting woods, he was more interested in walking on the pile of balls or crawling on the ground than hitting. Then came the contest and he hit the longest ball. As he walked out of the club house holding his three ones he said "Well, when there's money involved, it makes a difference".