Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Chianti's and BoTangles

Originally, we were going to meet DinoDuo for lunch, and Dick was going geocaching with them afterwards, while I went to get a perm and a haircut. The weather changed our plans. We all decided that it wouldn't be a good day for them to drive over from Kalkaska, so they didn't come. Dick and I went to Chianti's anyway, since their buffet special was 2/$10. Nobody told us about the $2 for parking, however.

So I went to BoTangles, and Dick ran some errands. It was fun talking to Colleen - her life is better than my soap opera! Dick bought me a Roomba! I can hardly wait to try it. It has to charge up overnight and so we'll see how it works tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

OK, US/UK translation needed :) What's a "Roomba"? It sounds like a Brazilian dance you do in the privacy of your lounge but it's obviously not that :D

NJKS said...

Hi Mitchy!
A Roomba is (what else) a robot vacuum cleaner! It does your floors whether carpet or wood or linoleum. I used it this morning for the first time, and it was great! I followed it all around the house just giggling. It's round and red and flat, and when it bumps into things, it very wisely turns itself around and goes in a different direction. It runs for 2 hours on one charge, and then it needs to be plugged in again. I'm telling you what - it's the most fun you can have cleaning house!! I am a happy camper!