Friday, January 21, 2005

The Lost GPS

Today we took both cars into town - I visited Mother, Dick went to the dentist. We met Tim and Susie for lunch at the Green House Cafe, and had a great geo-lunch!

Then all four of us went to find a cache that we had been unable to locate before, and this time Dick found it! We were all very excited, because it was so cold outside, it was a relief to get back into the car! It had been 12 below zero F in the early morning, but by the time we were geo-caching, it had zoomed up to 10.

Then the 3 intrepid cachers (DinoDuo and Basswood Bend) went off into the woods for more geocaching.

I stayed in town to do all the mundane things - grocery shopping, library, post office, gas station. And I went back to Mother's to deliver this humungous muffin that I got at the Cafe. I think it's enough for a whole meal!

When Dick got home, he told me the bad news... while they were tromping around in the snow, somehow Tim dropped his GPS. They searched everywhere they could think of - pockets, snow drifts, etc., but they couldn't come up with it. After searching for more than an hour, they gave up. DinoDuo returned to the area and searched some more, but it's nowhere to be seen. We just can't imagine what happened to it - and it's bright yellow, so you would think that it would be easy to spot in the snow. It's a big loss for any geocacher, and I'm almost positive that we will go back over there tomorrow for another look.

The only good news to come out of that expedition was that they did actually find the cache!

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