Monday, January 03, 2005


Dick worked at the Agency this morning, and before he left he asked me to fill out the forms for the $100 rebate for the Epson. In doing so, I discovered that we needed to include the proof of purchase from the boxes of both the Epson and the iBook - which we recycled yesterday. I spoke to Dick, and he stopped at the recycling center to check for the boxes, but the receptacle had been emptied. (Heavy sigh) We were just too darned efficient this time. The Computer Haus said they would try to help us get the rebate anyway - another item on our to-do list.

Sad news from Margo Reynolds Janke that Sherm passed away on December 22. ALS is such a horrible affliction - at the end he just couldn't breathe. We had such a great visit overnight visit from him when he was taking his "last road trip" about 18 months ago. He was a real kindred spirit regarding politics, education, the environment, and life in general. Sherm was the 3rd SLG husband to pass away - Mary's first husband Digger and Sandy N's husband Gene were the other two.

Today I packed up Christmas - ornaments (in the new ornament holder) and wrappings - and Dick took down the new faux tree. So everything is put away for next year. The outside lights are still glowing - I like them - they really brighten up our dark nights.

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