Monday, February 21, 2005

Moving Day = Wednesday

Mother can move into Concord Place on Wednesday. I'm so relieved, because Dick and I want to go away this weekend for two nights, and Mother will be all established in her new digs before we leave. Sometimes things do work out!

I spent the day with Mom going over all of her financial papers and accounts, and getting a grip on her net worth. She is sitting pretty and will be able to afford Concord Place for the next 14,000 years. Well, maybe not.

I called and cancelled the phone (SBC & AT&T), cancelled the cable TV, and had the address changed on the newspaper delivery. I called Integrity and told them we would no longer need home care.

Tomorrow Shannon will be there in the morning to help Mom get her things ready to pack - do the laundry, get down the suitcase, etc., etc. I will go in the afternoon to see what else needs to be done.

I went to the PO to get change of address forms, totally forgetting that it is President's Day. Happy President's Day!!

I went to Golden Fowler and bought Mom a new recliner/rocker for her new room. Whew. I've crossed quite a few things off my lists, but I'm sitting here thinking of new lists already.

Dick plowed out the entire driveway - no small feat - and he got a flat tire on his tractor, so he spent his afternoon getting the tire fixed. It's always something.

I can't imagine how Mother must feel with this big move almost upon her. I know I'm feeling quite adrenalized and edgy. I need to just chill.

This is the day of Odette's surgery. Our thoughts are with her.

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