Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Pleasant Surprise

This morning Dick announced in a very disappointed tone that we have absolutely nothing on our calendar this week!

I said that I thought going to the movies would be a fun idea - especially since it's cheap popcorn day. Dick does not like movies, and never voluntarily goes unless it's Michael Moore or anything with Dylan. He asked me if I would feel "homeless" if he didn't go with me. I said Yeah, but I would go anyway. He said I'll go with you. You sit in the woods while I'm geocaching, so I can go to the movies with you...it's called teamwork! What a sweet thing to say! So we planned to go to the movies at 1:30.

Soon after we got a call from Bill and Jan who wondered if we would be home this afternoon. Dick was saved from his horrible fate of movie attendance by Sniders! And he still gets credit for being willing, and for being so sweet. He really made out!

They arrived around 1:15, we sat around spitting and chewing...(old family joke from a John Denver song - Grandma's Feather Bed - "After supper we'd sit around the fire, the old folks would spit and chew." You really had to grow up in our family to get it !)

To view the lyrics to Grandma's Feather Bed, use the link above. (Click on the title.)

Anyway, as it turned out, Jan and I went to the movies at 3:30. We saw "Wedding Date", which was a bit on the fluff side, but very enjoyable, cute, and funny. We really liked the 2 main characters - Debra Messing was really quite good, and Dermot Mulroney was dishy. It won't win any awards, but it was a fun afternoon. We met Bill and Dick at the Outback Steakhouse for dinner, and it was scrumptious. We watched Gilmore Girls and the Amazing Race before bedtime.

An unexpected, fun, pleasant day!

Today is Laurie's birthday - Happy Birthday Laurie!

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