Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Pre-GenFest 2005

Jana has come up with an absolutely spectacular idea for GenFest. We're going to have the Basswood Bend Film Festival, complete with popcorn machine and Oscars. Teams and topics will be chosen, video cameras will be used, and then we'll all get together to watch each others' creations! I'm getting excited, but since GenFest isn't until July 16th, I suppose it's too early to send out the invitations! Thanks Jana - it's a great idea. What would the genres be? Mystery, romance, adventure, superhero, comedy, cartoon, horror, suspense, what else?

Tomorrow is the big day for moving Mother. We have lists of our lists. We're going to make the big move in the afternoon. Shannon was a big help this morning - she helped mother pack her suitcase and personal items, made a list of things to do tomorrow, and offered her husband's help if Dick needs it for carrying the TV. Thanks, Shannon. Mother is remaining very stalwart. She needs lots of reassurance and repetition of what will happen, but she's brave and not causing any problems. I'm proud of her.

I, on the other hand, am a nervous wreck. Well, not really. But sort of.

Odette came through her surgery just fine. Roger was able to be with Doug during the procedure, which was great for both of them. Odie is on the morphine pump thingy and is trying very hard to follow all the directions. We're looking forward to another report soon.

Laurie, Chip and Dylan are stranded in the Denver airport. They are numbers 33, 34, and 35 on the standby list - not good at all. It's a combination of the All-Star game and Presidents Day weekend - things are really backed up in Denver. Tom flew home yesterday, plus he was ticketed - he has given up on standby. Chip had a hotel room reserved for tonight just in case - I can't wait to hear what happened.

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