Thursday, March 03, 2005

Greetings from the Frozen North

Yesterday I had an early appointment with the world's best doctor, and I got a really good report. I had every blood test known to modern man, and they all came out the best ever. So I'm feeling happy and peppy - now all I have to do is more diet and exercise. That's the story of my life. I'm certainly glad not to be sick.
Dick and I went to the Omelette Shoppe afterwards - it was lovely. We checked Mom's house for mail, and turned off the water heater. Dick came home and made soup, and then plowed us out. Again.

Today I spent most of my time running errands, paying bills, sending out change-of-address notices for Mother, shopping at Target and Thompson's, visiting with Mother and tying up loose ends. If you have any loose ends that need tying, I'm your girl.

We actually have loads of sunshine - it's beautiful! Two kayaks just went by on the river. I guess the foot of snow on the ground won't affect their trip until they try to get out! It's warmer today - it has zoomed all the way up to 25F. Not really my idea of kayaking weather.

Dick has been working for hours on his new series of caches in TC city parks. It's not easy, and he's really putting a lot of effort into it. It should all be ready soon. I keep teasing him that no one will ever be able to find any of these - I think they're quite hard!

I had a phone call this evening from Pauline Brigham Lather. It turns out that her mother-in-law is also at Concord Place. She saw Mom's name in the Concord Place newsletter and assumed it must be my Mom. It's quite interesting to me since Betty Pratt VanRiper's Mom lived here too before she passed away. I guess that Pauline, Betty and I are in the right age group for this sort of thing. We were all in the class of '53 at TCHS.

Here's a problem for you from Dylan's first grade homework: What shape has four straight lines and three vertices. Go ahead. Figure it out.

Need a hint?

It's not a geometric shape - it's a letter. Go for it. Welcome to First Grade.


Anonymous said...

Wow. That's FIRST GRADE stuff? Which makes him, what, six?

Ye gods.

I think it's the letter W but I'd have never got that without your hint.


NJKS said...

Right you are, Mitchy! Without a hint, Dylan just wrote "unknown shape" on his paper! He was 7 years old in December. We're all getting way too old!