Friday, April 29, 2005

Happy Anniversary Laurie and Chip!

Today is Laurie and Chip's 10th wedding anniversary. Happy Anniversary!

We rode along with Laurie to drop Dylan off at school this morning. He has to get there around 7:50. We're responsible for picking him up after school today, so we had to see where to go.

Laurie and Chip left around 1:30 for Orlando - so we had time to "play" with them before they left. They had clothes to wash, and errands to run, and bikes to ride before they left. Laurie made great sandwiches for us for lunch.

We picked Dylan up around 2 p.m. Palm City Elementary has a great system for dropping off and picking up. It works very smoothly and safely. Each child is escorted by an upper grade student who walks them to the car and even opens the car door for them. I was impressed at the orderliness of it all.

When we got home, we spent some time just talking for a while, and Dylan wanted to color at the table. So Dick took a nap, and Dylan and I colored. Then we got out the Crayon Maker machine and made some crayons - a new experience. We had to spend some time playing Sly Cooper because it's just so much fun.

Dick did hamburgers on the grill, and we had a nice supper - even though Dylan really doesn't eat much.

Laurie and Chip were just starting to see Cirque du Soleil in Orlando while we were eating dinner in Palm City. The performance they were at started at 6 p.m.

When it was bath time, Dylan said he knew how to give himself a bath, so that's what he did - totally unassisted. Then it was time to read a story before bedtime. Right now, they're reading "Peter and the Star-Catchers". It's kind of a pre-quel to Peter Pan. Very much fun, and amusing for me as well as for Dylan.

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