Saturday, April 02, 2005

Living Will

Haven't been in the mood for the past couple of weeks - don't know exactly why, but here we go again .

The big news as we speak is that Pope John Paul II is reportedly dying serenely, Terry Schiavo has died from lack of life support, and tonight the Spartans play North Carolina in the Final Four semi-finals.

The Pope has been so ill for so long that it's really not a shock that he appears to be on his deathbed. The Terry Schiavo case is something that was never any of our business, but evidently became the business of the federal government somehow. If you didn't have a living will before, it's definitely time to do it! Otherwise, it seems that it's possible that the media will show you in your most vulnerable situation to everyone on the planet. Everybody should read the extremely satirical column linked to the above title. It really reflects the way I feel about the whole scenario.

Las Vegas says that North Carolina is favored to win the NCAA basketball championship. I'm of course rooting for Michigan State. Originally I picked Illinois to win it all - I think a State vs Illinois final would be the most fun - an all Big Ten championship game.

We had a very pleasant Easter. We went out to brunch at Freshwater Lodge and it was delightful. We spent the afternoon with Mother and had a great visit. She has decided that she wants to sell the house and the contents. We're thinking that in late July or early August we'll have an estate sale and sell the house. The next door neighbor has asked long ago to be informed if we're planning to sell, so we'll offer it to him first. Our friend Kathee said her husband would be glad to check it out and come up with a price. Jim's family and our family are busily trying to decide what we want to keep from the house. We already know that Kris and Dan get "Laugh, Laugh Phonograph"!

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