Tuesday, April 12, 2005


First of all, I cleaned out the book shelves in my bedroom - an ambitious project!

Then I went to Mother's house and gathered up all manner of items (including a sheepskin and a harmonica for Dylan). I packed up all of the financial records, the famous "metal box" where all the important papers are, pictures pictures pictures, etc, etc, etc. I wore myself out going up and down the stairs and sorting through everything.

So now I'm twice worn out. Plus, having just cleared out my book case, I now have more chudda to put there.

Then I went to visit Mother - to give her a report and to pay her bill and balance her checkbook. She looks great - had the beauty shop treatment this morning. They do a nice job!

Next it was the dental appointment - thank you Dr. Kevin (I love my dentist). So now I'm home looking through all of the family memorabilia. Did you know that we have an actual audio tape of Dad's funeral? Who knew? It lasted 25 minutes.

Meanwhile, here at home, the slabwood was delivered this morning. This was also the morning that Dick put on his waders and went into the river to start up the sprinkler system for another season. He spent the rest of his day stacking the slabwood, and was very grateful when the sprinklers came on and he had to quit! So now we're both exhausted and I think we're going to order pizza. Too tired to even go to Rico's.

It's another gorgeous day - blue sky and sunshine - slightly chilly and windy, but so pleasant it's remarkable, which is why I'm remarking on it.

Tomorrow we're driving to Houghton Lake to see Sniders and Dick is taking his chainsaw for cutting up the tree that fell in their yard this winter. I'm glad we got so much done today!

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