Thursday, May 26, 2005

Drivin' Around

It rained most of the morning. Dick worked on the new deck - I did some scrapbooking - much more fun for me than for him.

Despite the rain, we set out on an expedition to check out some of our caches, and to re-try one we couldn't find before, and to find a new one. It's always fun driving around with Dick - I was loving it. Checked the F&M park cache, exchanged the Clancy Park cache, and then headed for Yuba.

There were some muggles there at the Saylor Park in Yuba, so we went to Elk Rapids for lunch at T.J. Charlie's. At some restaurants, it doesn't matter how good the food is, what really matters is how friendly, solicitous, and helpful the waitress is. We were very happy there.

Back to the park to find the cache - we were the First to Find! That doesn't happen very often.

Off to Weed Island to find the elusive one - we've been there twice before. This time we had success! I found it lurking in a cedar tree on a hillside that was quite treacherous.

All of a sudden the sun came out, the dark clouds rolled away, and it has been a primo day ever since. I think heaven must have days like this every day. Perfection.

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