Saturday, May 07, 2005

Win Some, Lose Some

The day started out with household chores - mostly laundry. I also wrote more letters to cousins and got some mailings ready related to the Family Tree I'm trying to assemble.

Mailed my stuff, bought repair kits for sling shots so we can discourage the geese from nesting and pooping in our yard, tried to drop off some shirts at Progress, but they close at 1 p.m. on Saturday, and we got there at 2:16.

Then we went to do some local geo-caching. PeppermintPatti has put out some new caches recently out along M-22. It was a gorgeous spring day - maybe a little on the nippy side (52F) but sunny and enjoyable. One of the caches was hidden in Boughey Park, and I'll bet that all of you Traverse City natives didn't even know of its existence! We sure didn't. It's just a little way off M-22, and there's no sign for it, but it's actually quite a nice park with a shelter, picnic tables, and a beach. (See the link above.) We found 3 out of 5, so we were happy.

Went to Mother's house to see what the Estate Sale people had done there. The furniture has been rearranged and things have been moved from room to room to make quite a nice appearance. The dresser drawers and bookcases have all been emptied (except all of the living room books are in the little room upstairs), the closets are empty, and they brought in a different couch which looks great in the living room. Dick says that they have set up tables in the basement to display dishes and such - I'll have to go down there and check it out. Joan told me that they probably won't be working at the house again for another month.

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