Sunday, September 25, 2005

Not the Best

Not every day can be perfect. Into each reign a little life must fall.

We were heading out of town and taking Jana to CQ to pick up her car when we were stopped dead in our tracks by street closings. It seems that today V.P. Cheney was returning home from the hospital after knee surgery, and so the rest of us had to sit and wait and wait and wait - until finally an intelligent officer showed up and allowed us all to go straight (we had wanted to make a right turn). So finally we were underway again. Whew! How frustrating that is.

We took Wisconsin Ave. straight out of town, entered Maryland, and were on our way - heading for Youngstown, Ohio. Everything went well and was totally uneventful until we reached Youngstown. Then we got a little lost, overshot our exit, and were too far past Youngstown - past the point of no return. I called and cancelled our room for the night, and then Dick reserved a room in Fremont, Ohio - in the same Comfort Inn we stayed in a week ago. It added an extra hour and a half to our trip, but that means we'll be able to get home by tomorrow night.

About 20 minutes from Fremont, the rain started. It was a light rain at first and then got really heavy - to the point where drivers were pulling over. Luckily we were right by our exit, and were soon in our cozy motel room.

Jana said...
Well naturally, any day you say goodbye to ME would be an anticlimax.

We had the singular misfortune to run into the most power-mad police officer on the force, blocking the intersection of M and 22nd.

Especially if it *was* Cheney. They don't block streets for Cheney's motorcade -- the presidential motorcade is the only one streets are blocked for. But, even if it was the president, this cop was overdoing things arbitrarily at this one intersection.

Once Mom and Dad dropped me off and went along their alternate route out of town, I had no problem whatsoever getting home. I turned out of the CQ garage onto 22nd about 10 yards from where powermad cop was enjoying the gridlock he had created, drove home along the route he was blocking and didn't even *see* another motorcycle cop or not-so-secret-service squad car, much less have my way be blocked by one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well naturally, any day you say goodbye to ME would be an anticlimax.

We had the singular misfortune to run into the most power-mad police officer on the force, blocking the intersection of M and 22nd.

Especially if it *was* Cheney. They don't block streets for Cheney's motorcade -- the presidential motorcade is the only one streets are blocked for. But, even if it was the president, thios cop was overdoing things arbitrarily at this one intersection.

Once Mom and Dad dropped me off and went along their alternate route out of town, I had no problem whatsoever getting home. I turned out of the CQ garage onto 22nd about 10 yards from where powermad cop was enjoying the gridlock he had created, drove home along the route he was blocking and didn't even *see* another motorcycle cop or not-so-secret-service squad car, much less have my way be blocked by one.