Thursday, October 27, 2005


Dorothy was in town, so we met at Poppycock's for lunch.

She is as flaky and interesting as ever. She told a great story about traveling with her daughter Elaine in Maine.

Their car went into a ditch in some remote area - they had to wait for AAA to arrive from 40 miles away. The nearest house was quite an intimidating mansion kind of a house, but they had to use the facilities so they chanced walking up to the door and asking.

The lady of the house was very elegantly dressed, complete with diamond jewelry. She was most gracious and invited them both in, pointed out the powder room, and asked them to partake of a most delicious looking spread. It turns out that the lady was entertaining her bridge club, and it wasn't just any ordinary mansion or just any ordinary elegant lady, for that matter.

It seems that Dorothy and Elaine had stumbled upon the summer home of the Governor of Maine! Dorothy said that the first lady couldn't have been more helpful, friendly, or considerate. The bridge ladies had seen the car go into the ditch, and really understood the situation. The whole thing turned out well - the car was not damaged - and they had a memorable experience. See the link above.

We had cache maintenance to do in Leelanau County, so after lunch, Dorothy headed for Ypsi, and we headed for Glen Arbor. Dick has archived the whole Glen Arbor series of caches because of excessive muggling, too many DNFs, and the distance involved in trying to fix everything every time. It was an iffy day weather wise, but Dick really only got rained on once - but he found the cache. (Swamp Box)

We collected all 4 cache containers and really enjoyed driving around Leelanau. The colors were still breathtaking, even on an overcast day. Some of the overlooks were absolutely stunning! We always say that River Road has the best color anywhere, but we say that when we haven't been to Leelanau for a while. It was outstanding.

It was such a long afternoon that we ended up having dinner at BooneDocks - chili and axe handles!

Nice day.

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