Sunday, November 06, 2005


Well, OK, it was only 2 inches - but that's very unusual for us. The rain gauge didn't know what hit it, and the river kept rising all day until it was full.

Watched the first half of the Lions' losing effort. Bad weekend for sports in Michigan. The Vikings won 27-14. Or, as Dick says, too much to not enough.

Got library books for Mother, and did the Subaru Cruise downtown. We were surprised to see people out walking on Front St. with children and strollers, etc. It really wasn't a good day for it!

We had a nice visit with Mother - she seemed especially sharp today. Ann came in bemoaning the fact that she had brought in shrimp for supper, and there was no sauce! It was a crisis indeed, so Dick dashed out to Tom's and got the shrimp sauce and a lemon for the Concord Place shrimp supper. Our hero!

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