Saturday, November 19, 2005


We had a rather hazardous drive downstate yesterday - the weather was snowy and blowy all the way to Mt. Pleasant. There was bumper to bumper traffic for some reason, and we were alongside when someone in the outside lane rear-ended the car in front of him. Dick pulled over to the shoulder, and it's a good thing, too, because the car behind the rear-ender pulled over into our lane. We just sat there for a few seconds, and then re-entered the bumper to bumper traffic. It was not our best travel day.

Bill made us a big breakfast this morning and we were off to the "Greatest Rivalry in College Football". Actually, it seems that there are 4 or 5 other "Greatest Rivalries", but this one is ours. During the game I was confident that we would win. Everything seemed to be going our way - fumble recoveries, turnovers, questionable calls, etc. And our team seemed to be scoring and defending in the best possible way. But then with 53 seconds left on the clock, everything went south, and OSU pulled it out to tie for the Big Ten Championship with Penn State. We were so disappointed - being a Michigan fan is a little bit like riding an out-of-control roller coaster.

Saw Rick before the game, and he gave me the pages of family history that he had sent me by email, but were too large to be workable. It was fun to see him - and I think it's a minor miracle to run into him amidst the swarming 111,599 others who were there!

When we got back to Canton, we all watched State lose to Penn State. Heavy Sigh.

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