Sunday, January 08, 2006

I'm a Quilter?

This afternoon we watched State lose to Wisconsin by 19 points. It's so hard to believe that either Wisconsin is that good or that State is that bad!

I've started working on the GenFest 2005 family quilt - it's really quite a joke, because I'm the furthest thing from a seamstress that you can imagine! I'm going to give it the old college try. I hate to think of ruining any of those quilt squares - some of them are really beautiful, and some people paid to have their squares embroidered, so I certainly don't want to damage any of those. Keep your fingers crossed.

I THINK I can sew it together OK, but I'm not so sure about the backing and the quilting part. Although I could do the quilting if I "stitch in the ditch" - I've seen it done on TV. (shrug) I'm not sure. Right now I'm just hoping that I don't ruin the quilt top. The top is 8 squares by 8 squares - so it's 64 squares altogether. (9 inch squares) We do have 3 or 4 blank squares.

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