Thursday, January 26, 2006

The Sun is Always Up There

When you fly in a commercial airliner, you're always above the clouds - up there with the blue sky and the sunshine. On the ground sometimes the clouds are dark and the days are gloomy, but the sun is always up there just on the other side of the clouds.

J. H. has been in Texas since last Saturday because his 38 year old daughter Natalie has died suddenly. Her memorial service was Tuesday.

Meanwhile, here in T.C.Barb was put into the hospital Tuesday
to try to stabilize her system which has been affected by the
radiation and chemo that she's been undergoing. Shelly has taken the
week off work to be with her Mom.

Melissa was coming up from Kalamazoo, but she fell and broke her
arm... Sharon is here from Lansing for a few days to be with Barb.
Sharon is coming here for dinner tonight. Latest word is that Barb
may be able to come home tomorrow (Friday), and Jim may be flying
home tomorrow heavily medicated with anti-depressants.

I'm so glad that we had such an idyllic week in San Diego - we loved
every minute of it. Now we have returned to the Real World with a bang and a jolt.
We're fine - and there's not that much snow here.

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