Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The Countertops are Coming!


Traverse Tops called and said that they will come and install the new countertops on Friday morning. Yippee! I think we had to wait about 2 months from start to finish. I have my fingers crossed that everything goes well.

The plumber says he can come out on Tuesday to hook everything up and install our new things - filtration, recirculating pump, etc.

Mother needs a new prescription. I spoke to Brandi the nurse about it - she thinks that Dr. Auer will go ahead and call it in without seeing Mom because she is so immobile. I'm waiting to hear what they decided. Brandi mentioned that the Doctor may even make a house call. That is totally unheard of these days!

Dick has been looking for a desk for about 2 years now. Every once in a while we check in at the Riverside Resale store to see what they have, but so far we've had no luck. Today he found what he wants at Reclectia on Garfield. It's a great old desk - looks almost like a teacher's desk. The drawers all work just fine, and it has a "fence" across the back and part of the sides, so that things won't fall off the back. It has a glass top, so that the wooden top is in really great shape. It does need a bit of polishing, but that's not a problem. It will be delivered today or tomorrow. She gave us a really good price.

Dick came home and cleared off the stairs, and cleaned out his room - so we're ready for the new old desk.

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