Saturday, June 17, 2006

Magical, Mystical, Historical....

We were back out on the Peninsula today, fine tuning the Magical Mystical Historical Old Mission Tour. (working title) We logged the mileage between the different stages, and gleaned some new coordinates, and found a place for the ammo box cache near the Lighthouse.

We were just there yesterday, but it was even more beautiful today - such great views of the bays, with the different shades of blue water. Many of the homes are spectacular to put it mildly, and the landscaping and groundskeeping are truly remarkable. It's just a beautiful place to be, especially on a clear (although slightly hazy), blue sky, summer day.

This cache may not be for everyone, because it requires a lot of driving, and only one hide to log. But we both feel that it's really worthwhile, and will be exciting for the teams or individuals who are interested in giving it a try. They will be rewarded with fun, terrific scenery, and interesting history if not with a lot of finds. It will be like a treasure hunt, really, with just one prize.

After we finished our Peninsula Tour, we did the Subaru Cruise downtown. I may be way, way behind the times, but it seems to me that more people, both male and female, are wearing short shorts this summer. Did I miss something?

There were tons of pleasure boats rafting by the beach volleyball courts, but the temp was 95, so everybody was either in a boat or on the beach, not playing volleyball!

I checked with Mother and the Concord Place air conditioning was doing its thing, and she said she was very comfortable. I know she's much more comfortable that she would have been had she stayed on Union Street!

Apache Trout Grill is a great place to grab a sandwich on a beautiful day. There was a great breeze on the patio, the service was good, and the Reuben was yummy. Their patio has great views of the bay and of Traverse City in the background.

No it's not Hawaii, it's the Tiki Bar on the Bay at the Apache Trout Grill. Such a pleasant spot! Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

I love hearing about your trips and adventures. You sure live in a beautiful part of the world :)


NJKS said...

Thanks Mitchy! We think so too. Everyday we tell each other how lucky we are :) Thanks for your kind words.