Thursday, July 13, 2006

Inaugural Blaze

The first campfire of the summer happened last night. Adam came out, and he and Laurie, Chip and Dylan had a great time burning old stuff like a ladder, a table, a bench, and pallets...quite an inaugural blaze. After Dylan's bath and bedtime, Laurie went back out to the campfire and nobody came back in until 2 a.m.

Shelley, Autumn and Brooke came over around 10 a.m. to play with Dylan and Laurie. Dick and I went to the hardware store for flag brackets, and to GFS to get the burgers and brats for the picnic. When we got home, the kids were playing in the river. Laurie fixed hot dogs for everybody. She wasn't feeling very perky, so after lunch the kids watched Hoodwinked, and Laurie took a nap. I went to do recycling and to return cans and bottles.

Dick is valiantly trying to finish the trebuchet with Chip's help. They've been working on it for a couple of hours now, and so far there's been only one trip to Menard's. My job is to make the sling/pouch - I think I've found the perfect fabric.

Chip has found a house he loves 4 miles away in Mayfield. He is totally excited about it - Laurie seems less than thrilled. She's concerned about where Dylan would go to school, etc. They have just gone to take a look at it.

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